For a while, this website has been using a theme called Hello Friend NG, by a GitHub user called rhazdon. This is an amazing theme, but is falling behind with updates. It currently, at the time of writing has 54 open issues, 22 open Pull requests and hasn’t had a commit it 3 months. This combined with me adding some custom templates (Have you checked out my About page?), I decided to fork the theme and start doing my own thing.

The fork is publicly available, however I prefer GitLab, so feel free to check out the repo, and will go by the name Hello Friend NGX.

The roadmap as it stands for my fork are:

  • Resume system using data files
  • Post Series
  • More shortcuts such as:
    • Math
    • Mermaid
    • Info Boxes
  • Updated support, working through the various issues open on the upstream project

All this will take some time, so be sure to lookout for updates here if you are interested in the theme. There will be some changes to style as time goes on, but I intend any big changes to be done in a way that can easily prevented with appropriate config updates. Such changes will be detailed in releases and here on the blog.